Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Canopy Doll Bed

Canopy Doll Bed

1 comment:

  1. Hey Peyton! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog (and for becoming a follower:). I have read only one of the Elsie Dismore books, and I really liked it. The Jane Austen books are a bit of a challenge to read, but I love the intricate language. Sometimes I wish that I could speak that elegantly. I love your blog's name; so creative. Where did you get the idea? I also love the picture of you and your dad.
    In Christ,


Thank you for leaving a comment on my Blog! I love reading your thoughts,they brighten my day!! But please keep them sweet and Christlike! Love your Sister in Christ,~Peyton~

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
~Proverbs 25:11